Sleek, prominent and precise. Snaplock is rapidly becoming Australia’s “it” panel. Since being showcased on The Block, Snaplock has proved it is your go-to for a contemporary twist on classic metal cladding.“Yes, you may know me from a little show called The Block…” If Snaplock could talk, this would be its pick-up line. Snaplock is entitled to its swagger. It isn’t confined to big lavish properties though, you can find it on large commercial buildings, residential homes, and townhouse developments like The Block.You
Adelaide Street House Installer: Advanced Metal Cladding Cladding profile: Standing Seam Material: Vestis Aluminium Black Graphite
JMB Modular Home Installer: JMB Modular Building Cladding profile: Interlocking Material: Vestis Aluminium Nebula Midnight Photo Credit: JMB Modular Building
When simplicity and clean lines are consistently king, Nailstrip is a statement panel that has the best of both worlds.Resembling its popular European cousin, Standing Seam (we all have that cousin) Nailstrip is cost effective, easily installed and continues to be one of the most popular options among builders, beginner installers and architectural projects wanting a crisp finished look – without the fuss.If you’re tired of sheepishly nodding your head when Nailstrip is brought up, don’t worry! You’re
Willansby AvenueInstaller: Gunther ProjectsCladding profile: Interlocking and SnaplockMaterial: Vestis Aluminium Nebula Storm
Oil canning is one of the most controversial aspects of metal cladding. Some people don’t mind the appearance of ripples, others can’t stand them. Regardless of personal opinion, one of the most popular questions asked of Metal Cladding Systems is, “how do I stop oil canning?”To answer the question on everybody’s lips, let’s take a close look at oil canning. Let’s explore what oil canning is, what causes it, and if there are any preventative measures we can take.What is
Standing Seam is one of our most popular roof and wall cladding profiles. This architectural system can achieve high-end details, seamless roof to wall design and will bring the ultimate ‘wow factor’ to any project with its linear seam aesthetic.But how well do you really know Standing Seam? Sure, it’s specified widely and Standing Seam by Metal Cladding Systems is the building industry’s go-to for seamed cladding, but did you know Standing Seam offers the highest level of architectural flexibility?
Balaclava Extension Installer: Acrotech Roofing Cladding profile: Shingle Material: COLORBOND® Matt Monument
The Gatwick, The Block 2018 Installer: Peter Elliot Roofing Cladding profile: Snaplock Material: COLORBOND® Steel Matt Monument
At Metal Cladding Systems, we’re all about options Profile options, pan span options, length options and of course material options! Adding to our already extensive range of metals, we are proud to introduce The Coloured Ones collection from Zintek. Zintek’s latest titanium zinc offering includes six unique and visually outstanding finishes. Imported via our sister business Architectural Metals Australia, The Coloured Ones range is currently available on special order. All six zinc finishes are available, but